Sunday 19 January 2014

Letting go- do I have to?

Having never really left school (school-university-teaching), I've also never really grown up! I live in my own little world, where my idiosyncrasies are quirky, normal and acceptable. The norm is to wear Disney jumpers, to plait my hair before bed to make it wavy, to wear converse to almost any occasion, to have more obsessions than I really can cope with, to be a Directioner, to love cartoons, and to regularly read Roald Dahl instead of an "adult" book. 

However... I think it's time to start growing up. 

I can legitimately say that I turn thirty next year. 

I don't think that I can avoid this "maturity" malarkey for much longer. I've been putting it off for years. Even when I've done quite "grown up" things in life, I've approached them with a slightly whimsical attitude. Let's look at the evidence:

  1. Getting married... At 22! We had a traditional church service but walked down the aisle together to Take That! The reception was a huge party, without a sit-down meal but with lots of tequila. Our first dance wasn't romantic, it was fun (Don't stop me now, anyone?), the bridesmaids wore black, partly so that I could wind up my Nanna! Need I go on?  
  2. Becoming a home owner... Then painting the rooms any non-conventional colour that we could think of (purple, orange, red, blue... Kirstie and Phil would have a fit).
  3. Starting a family... By buying a Labrador! 
  4. Getting a job... In the school that I was taught myself. In reality I didn't leave, I just had a four year break! 
  5. Getting the taste for red wine... Then drinking so much of it that I was sick in my boot.
There are countless more examples! Luckily one thing that I have done with an ounce of maturity is bring a child into this world. I feel that it should state this fact. 

When we entered 2014, although I think that "new year, new you" is a load of nonsense- it's just another day, isn't it?- it did hit me that I have one more birthday in my twenties, and then I need to maybe actually become an adult. I'm not bothered about turning 30, it's a fact of life and every birthday is a privilege as too many people don't see this age. It's the realisation that there are somethings that I simply can't get away with come Sept 1st 2015. Like wearing a Twilight hoody to buy alcohol, or listening to Radio 1! 

This blog will act as my diary into maturity. I'm going to try to gradually grow up, but also do as much stuff that only a twenty-something can get away with! The next eighteen months are going to be interesting! 

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